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Hozelock ABC Guide to Garden Irrigation Systems

Hozelock Automatic Watering Systems are a simple network of narrow pipes, drippers and connectors hidden in the garden that takes water from the garden tap to your plants. These systems can be controlled manually or by the use of a Hozelock Water Timer.

The diagram below shows how the components available can be used to create a watering system, the purpose of this diagram is to be used as a guide, you would never use all these components in one system. If this seems complicated then don't worry kits are available that contain all the parts required to water up to 20 tubs, baskets or plants.

TAP CONNECTORS - Connects the watering system to tap
PIPELINE - Distributes the water around the system
DRIPPERS - Dispurses to water to the plants

A - Tap Connectors

View the full range of tap connectors

The tap connection is vital. It connects the automatic watering system to the mains water supply.

Always use a pressure reducer to control the water pressure to ensure the best performance.

All installations can be automated by adding a Hozelock water computer.

Tip: Click on any component on the diagram to see full product details.

B - Pipeline

View the full range of pipeline and connectors

Use the 13mm supply tube to distribute the water around the garden and then 4mm micro tubing to take the water from the supply tube to the plants.

Use elbows, t-pieces and connectors to make the network. Use wall clips and stakes to secure it in place. The pipe can be buried up to 5cm in ground or covered with mulch.

Tip: Save water and help your plants by using micro tube to position drippers and spinklers close to the roots and in the shade of leaves.

This way your plants will take up more water, the soil will remain moist and evaporation will be lower.

C - Drippers

View the full range of drippers and microjets

You can fit any combination of drippers, micro jets and mini sprinklers depending on the plants and where you want to water.

The area covered and flow rate varies depending on the dripper selected. Click on a component on the diagram to view the properties such as area, flow rate, cost and pack quantities.

Tip: Experiment with different drippers and positioning until you get it right. You can always correct mistakes by plugging holes in the supply tube with blanking plugs.

Complete Kits

If you are unsure about where to start then it may be worth taking a look at the complete kits. Hozelock kits provide the complete solution for garden irrigation.

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